
Disney brave merida lesbian
Disney brave merida lesbian

disney brave merida lesbian

The Evil Queen soon realises it wasn’t jealousy after all that caused her to order Snow White’s death but deep-seated desire. She is the fairest one of them all with a passion for woodland creatures and no romantic interest whatsoever in the huntsman who takes her into the forest to kill her nor the seven dwarves whose house she ends up cleaning. With that in mind, here are some more Disney characters who, with but a sprinkle of queer imagination, would make fabulous LGBT icons. Until Disney improves its record on representing LGBT people – and let’s be honest that’s probably going to take a while – the wonderful world of gay subtext will have to do. It is universal: to thine own self be true and all that.

disney brave merida lesbian

That’s not a message just for gay people. It is about saying that what’s implied can be true, that there are women who love women, and that we deserve love stories too. It is not about saying Elsa is a frosty ice queen who rejects men and must therefore be a lesbian.

disney brave merida lesbian

This is not about reinforcing gay stereotypes. It’s time that Disney took a look at the latest GLAAD index which found that not a single one of the studio’s films (not just the cartoons) released in 2015 featured a gay character. We have now had an Indian Disney princess (Jasmine), an African-American Disney princess (Tiana), and a red-haired Disney princess who is more into archery than marriage (Merida). The sad fact is we’ve barely seen such a thing, even outside the ultra-heteronormative land of Disney. It would be a bit like Carol 2, but in CG. It would be radical indeed to watch Elsa and her lady love (I picture her as a mash-up of Mulan and Merida from Brave) making ice castles in the air in their glittery dresses.

disney brave merida lesbian

Imagine it … a Disney princess who is gay and happy at the same time. It doesn’t take much of a stretch of the imagination, does it? Now a Twitter campaign ( #GiveElsaAGirlfriend) is calling on Disney, currently working on Frozen 2, to just come out of the closet and say it.

Disney brave merida lesbian